My first timelapse movie: /me trying to clean the kitchen
A place which brings smile to many faces. Some come with pain though.
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Trying to play around with long exposure shots.
This is a 15 seconds shot, taken around 10.39pm IST. As the clouds were moving very fast, they created a nice effect in the sky. No editing done on the show as I took RAW+JPEG.
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If you want one you can grab from here.
Pony is a simple image manager written in PyKDE4.
Few weeks back I lost my external hdd where I kept most of the photographs I took in last two year. It is kind of heartbreaking. But first thing came in my mind is not to get into this kind of situation again. So, decided to backup photos also in DVD(s).
But the problems started at the same time, if I do so, how can I figure out which photo is in which disk ? I know digikam is having a feature like this (to have external collections) but last time when I tried that it never worked. Though I am mostly a KDE user but I was using gthumb as image viewer except when I click on dolphin which opens up gwenview.
My workflow:
As I keep my photographs ordered in directories, gthumb is very helpful and I like the UI as it does not provide most of the fancy stuffs other image managers do.
After looking for few days I decided to write my own image manager which can suite properly with the simple workflow I follow.
The design goals:
Now this is a very basic form of the code base continously being hacked. Most of the planned stuffs still needs to be written. To get the thumbnails fast I kept them in db (still the db seems to be small ) and used a web framework based ORM to do so, yes it is Django :p. I know one may complain of this dependency but it is so nice that I couldn’t leave it :)
MathStuf and Kevin_Kofler in #fedora-kde , #qt and Riddell ,pinotree, annma helped a lot to learn different pieces of KDE and Qt. nicubunu did extensive testing from the very beginning. Thank you guys for your support.
I still need to improve the UI so any help is welcome :)
Btw, the name of the project came as suggestion from sankarshan and mether.
You can find my event report here (11MB). This is my first try to make something like this. Nicu helped a lot with my poor spelling mistakes. Comments are welcome.
Yesterday we had a strobist meet , it was kind of boot camp.
Had a very little(2 hours) sleep in Friday night and got ready at 4.00AM , taxi came, I went to pick up Sushma. We reached MG Road on time and then found Akshath was still at home waiting for others. Finally we (me , Sushma, Akshath, Manas, Arpita) started around 6am. Avinash and Rajesh were in the other car. Around 8 reached at the hotel where Danny and Sunil put up, had a quick breakfast.
Then we went down to the river through a pass just beside the hotel. Akshath already briefed us about the basics. I tried couple of shots in the manual mode. I always used to shoot in Aperture priority mode. We divided it two groups and people started trying different ideas. I don’t think Sushma was never bored so much in a day before :(
Around 1:30 we went to another resort for lunch which went upto 4, then as some of started doing hard light shots others took some rest. Suddenly rain came :) Had some fun while running for cover :P
After the rain stopped we again came back to the first hotel and start shooting with many strobes. Below you can see some nice setup shots :p
As far as the learning, I learnt the basics and understood that I have to do lot of experiments to reach a stable phase to understand it. Anyway I moved to manual and thats a huge thing for me :D
You saw the first photo, now the same without warming gel
The set can be found here.