Posted: 2010/05/31 16:18:37 | Source | More posts about Community Fedora FOSS News OLPC

So this weekend we had FAD Pune 2010. Being organizer the main issue was to get inside the office before everyone else :)

Among the things done:
  • Packaged accessx ( with help from Sayamindu to patch it for Fedora)
  • Updated code in Pony so that it works with new flickrapi API (committed but not pushed yet)
  • Now we have cover images in Pathagar , the digital library system.
  • Helped people with packaging
Yesterday in the last hours almost everyone were busy with packaging and helping each other. Had fun with all other contributors for 2 days, now getting back to the normal routine. Photos will come up later this week. I also recorded Sayamindu’s talk on OLPC as a downstream of Fedora project, you can view it here (111MB).


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